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Friday, October 11, 2013

Fulton County Schools Future Focus Fair

Fulton County parents wondering how to prepare their children for life after high school are encouraged to attend a special free event – the 2013 Future Focus Fair – on Saturday, October 19, at Georgia Tech’s Student Center. The four-hour event begins at 9 a.m.

Hosted by Fulton County Schools’ Counseling Department, the Future Focus Fair aims to educate parents of middle and high schoolers about the many opportunities awaiting their children after graduation and how they can help prepare them today. The event is more than a college fair – it’s a preparation fair to share information about a multitude of post-secondary options facing students.

Representatives from several of metro Atlanta’s top colleges and universities will explain the college admissions process and other entry requirements through a panel discussion. Following the discussion, parents can attend small group, breakout sessions with other organizations to learn about classes and other courses their children should take in preparation for college or the workforce.

Panelists are confirmed for: Confirmed Breakout Sessions:
University of Georgia
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia State University
Emory University
Morehouse College
Atlanta Metropolitan College
Gwinnett Technical College
Kennesaw State University
Fulton County Schools Counselors/Graduation Coaches
Fulton County Schools Career & Technical Education Dept.
Georgia Student Financial Commission
Princeton Review Test Preparation
The College Board
Armed Forces
Georgia Career Information System

While middle and high students are not excluded from the Future Focus Fair, the information is targeted primarily toward Fulton County parents and guardians. The event is free but registration is encouraged through www.futurefocusfair.eventbrite.com. Parents should be advised that increased parking fees will apply on the Georgia Tech campus ($20 fee per car due to gameday parking) on October 19.

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