Maintaining your grades during your junior year is important! Colleges put a lot of weight on your marks for this year. | Successful Study Techniques |
Make sure you're challenging yourself academically. Colleges will consider how difficult your courses are. | |
Now is the time to really focus your post-secondary research. | Career FinderCollege Matching Assistant |
As you research education and career options, share your discoveries with your family. You'll be working together a lot over the next couple of years as you leave high school and enter college or pursue another path. | |
If your schedule permits, stay involved in school and community activities. | |
Talk to your guidance counselor or advisor about the following:
Availability of and enrollment in AP classes | | The possibility of post-secondary credit: taking college-level courses before you graduate from high school | | Schedules for the PSAT, SAT I and SAT Subject Test, ACT and AP exams | | Why you should take these exams and how they could benefit you | Getting Ready for College | Which of these exams would be the best fit for you — and then sign up for those tests. Remember, you can always change your mind | Getting Ready for College | How to start getting ready for the exams! | Test PrepGetting Ready for CollegeWhat it Takes to Ace the SATs | Your academic record. Review it with your counselor and talk about ways to improve | Your Plan of Study | The admissions requirements for the colleges you're interested in. Do your research, and be sure to find out about any additional requirements on top of GPA and test scores | College Matching Assistant |
Obtain schedules and forms for the SAT I, SAT Subject Test, ACT and AP exams. | |
Review transcript for graduation requirements according to your Peach State Pathways Program of Study. | |
Continue to take classes to enhance your career choice. | |
Update your personal information in your profile. | |
Continue to research career options in your selected pathway. | |
Register for the PSAT exam offered in October. Remember that when you take the PSAT in your junior year, the scores will count towards the National Achievement Program (and it is good practice for the SAT I). | |
Identify sources of post-secondary information. | |
Utilize the Financial Aid Planning tab for information including a follow-up on previously discovered scholarship opportunities. | |
Obtain and read the PSAT/NMSQT Student Bulletin. | |
Continue to revisit career options. | |
Start a paper file for college catalogs and other admissions information. | |
Watch for college nights at any schools in your area you may want to attend. | |
Take the PSAT. Many Merit Scholarships and the Governor's Honors Program require a Junior year score; see the PSAT bulletin for more information. | Test Prep |
Continue to research post-secondary training and education. | |
Attend College PROBE Fair (check with your counselor/advisor for dates). | |
Narrow your list of colleges to include a few colleges with requirements at your current GPA, a few with requirements above your current GPA, and at least one with requirements below your GPA. | College Matching Assistant |
Begin scheduling interviews with admissions representatives. | |
If possible, schedule tours of the school grounds on the same days.You and your parent(s) may want to visit the colleges and universities during spring break and summer vacation so you don't have to miss school. | Explore Schools |
Review requirements for post-secondary credit opportunities like dual enrollment for your Senior year and Youth Apprenticeship opportunities. | |
Attend meetings with post-secondary representatives. | |
You will receive your scores from the October PSAT if you took it that month. Review your scores with your counselor/advisor and parents. Depending on the results, you may want to consider signing up for free online SAT prep. | Test Prep |
Obtain testing schedule for ASSET, SAT I, ACT and SAT Subject Test. | |
Research military options, if appropriate. | |
If you're choosing your senior year classes, look for classes that will give you a strong transcript. You'll also want to look for classes that will fit your college study plans. | Your Plan of Study |
Consider looking for a summer job or internship. Not only can you earn money for college, you can also learn valuable skills. | |
Continue with your campus tours online or in person. You want to be narrowing down your list of potential colleges. | Explore Schools |
Take an interest assessment in the Career Planning section and compare to previous assessments; record your findings. | |
Take ASVAB (provides career information and military assessment). | |
Meet with post-secondary recruiters, if appropriate. | |
Meet with military recruiters, if appropriate. | |
Register for the March SAT or the April ACT, or both. Research the requirements of the colleges you're interested in to learn about admission deadlines and which tests to take. | Getting Ready for College |
Update your personal information in your profile. | |
Begin assembling your list of post-secondary opportunities that reflect your career selection needs. | |
Begin to accumulate information about post-secondary institutions. | |
Take the March SAT I exam if you registered to take it this month. | What it Takes to Ace the SATsTest Prep |
Register for ACT, SAT I, SAT Subject Test (if you plan to attend a two-year or four-year college or university). | |
Register for the ASSET (if you plan to attend a technical college in Georgia). | |
Use Financial Aid Planning tab to identify possible financial aid sources. | |
Consider post-secondary school visits during spring break. | |
Begin to explore summer programs and employment. | |
If you are interested in taking an AP exam, you should sign up now. If your school does not offer the AP exams, check with your guidance counselor to find schools in the area that do administer the exams, as well as the dates and times they're offered. | |
Take the April ACT test if you registered for this month. | Test Prep |
Take the AP, ASSET, SAT I and SAT Subject Test exams. | What it Takes to Ace the SATsTest Prep |
Mail NCAA eligibility, if appropriate. | |
Talk to teachers about writing letters of recommendation for you.Think about what you would like to include in these and politely ask your teachers if they can help. | |
Add any new report cards, test scores, honors or awards from the year to your file. | |
Continue with your college visits. Call ahead for appointments with the financial aid, admissions and academic advisors at the colleges in which you are most interested. | Explore Schools |
If you go on interviews or visits, don't forget to send thank-you notes. | |
Take the SAT I, SAT Subject TEst and the ACT tests if you're registered | What it Takes to Ace the SATsTest Prep |
Take post-secondary admissions test if you did not take it in May. | |
Continue to work on your application essays and review the application procedures for the colleges you plan to apply to. | College Application Essay Tips |
Decide if you are going to apply under any early decision or early action programs. This requires you to submit your applications early, typically between October and December of your senior year. | |
Read your college mail and send reply cards to your schools of interest. | |